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ยท 8 min read
Elad Ben-Israel

Chris Rybicki has recently added support for let var to Wing (see the pull request), and I thought it might be a good opportunity to share our thoughts on the topic of immutability in Wing.

One of Wing's design goals is to help developers write safer code. Change in state is a major source of complexity (and bugs) in software. Eric Elliott's Dao of Immutability describes it beautifully:

"The true constant is change. Mutation hides change. Hidden change manifests chaos. Therefore, the wise embrace history"

A language-level guarantee that state cannot change offers opportunities for caching, runtime optimizations and lock-free concurrency. Those attributes are very useful in distributed systems.

Immutable by defaultโ€‹

This is why, similarly to other modern programming languages such as Rust and Go, we are designing Wing to be immutable by default.

Let's look at an example:

let my_array = [1,2,3,4];

The above code defines an immutable array with the contents [1,2,3,4] and assigns it to my_array. Immutability means that the contents of the object cannot be modified.

So if we try to add an item:

// ^^^^ Unknown symbol "push"

Eventually we would want this error to be something like Operation "push" is only available on mutable arrays. Did you mean to declare the array with MutArray<num>?, but bear with us...

This is because the type of my_array is Array<num>, which represents an immutable array, it simply doesn't have any methods that will cause it to change. In Wing, the following types are immutable: str, num, bool, Array<T>, Set<T> and Map<T>.

If I wanted to define it as a mutable array, I will need to be explicit:

let my_mut_array = MutArray<str>["hello", "world"];

And now we can go wild:

my_mut_array.push("go wild!"); // OK!

Similarly, we can define other mutable collection types:

let my_set = MutSet<str>{"hello", "world"};
let my_map = MutMap<bool>{"dog": true, "cat": false};

By the way: we are still debating if the standard types should be pascal-cased (e.g. Array<T>, MutArray<T>) or snake (array<T>, mut_array<T>). Let us know what you think!

Yes! We are going to make this slightly harder to define mutable collections.

In the future, maybe we will introduce some syntactic sugar like:

let x = mut [1,2,3]; // <-- not a doctor

This design concept is what's called "good cognitive friction" (or "mechanical sympathy"). It is introduced intentionally in order to make sure the user understands the system better and encourage best practices.


But immutability is not enough! Since we reference our array through my_array, the compiler also needs to guarantee that my_array will always point to the same object.

Let's look at a hypothetic example:

let i = 10;
new cloud.Function(inflight () => { print(i); }) as "f1";
i = 20;
new cloud.Function(inflight () => { i = i + 9; }) as "f2";
i = i - 90;

What value will the cloud function print? We can't tell because i is reassigned in multiple locations and there is absolutely no way to determine its value.

This is where reassignability comes into play. In fact, in Wing, the above example would have failed compilation:

   i = 20;
// ^ variable i is not reassignable

OK, now we can relax. The Wing compiler tells us that i is not reassignable.

Reassignability is a form of mutability (it is mutating the reference) and most modern programming languages are trying to encourage single assignment. let in Rust, := in Go, and const everywhere in JavaScript.

So how do you make something reassignable? You can use let var:

let var s = "hello";
s = "world";

You can also use var in class and resource declarations:

class Foo {
i: num;
var s: str;

init() {
// all non-optional fields must be assigned at construction (not implemented yet)
this.i = 10;
this.s = "world";

bar() {
// "var" fields can be reassigned at any time
this.s = "hello";

this.i = 20;
// ^ i is not reassignable

It can also be used in argument declarations:

let handler = inflight (var x: str) => {
if x == "hello" {
x = "${x} world";

Why let var?โ€‹

We originally considered using var instead of let var, but we realized this is making it too easy to do the wrong thing. Entire code bases will be written with just var and mountains of linters will be written to protect you from shooting yourself in the foot.

Going back to this concept of "good cognitive friction". If you need to type a few more characters in order to make a variable reassignable (let var versus let), you will likely just use let most of the time, and the world will be a better place with less bugs and happier developers.

The Inflight Connectionโ€‹

So how is all this related to cloud development?

One of the very cool things about immutable state is that the compiler can create as many copies of it as needed. If the compiler has a guarantee that a blob of data will never change over the lifetime (and space) of the system, it can simply distribute it where it is needed.

This means, that in Wing, immutable data can be seamlessly referenced from any inflight context.

Let's look at a very simple example just to explain the idea:

bring cloud;

let my_array = ["hello", "world"];

new cloud.Function(inflight (_: str) => {
assert(my_array.length == 2);
}) as "test";

So what's going on here? We have defined a cloud function that simply references my_array. As much as this looks simple and intuitive, the compiler actually had to do a bit of work to make this happen. As a reminder, a cloud.Function represents a cloud compute platform (such as AWS Lambda). This means that the code inside the inflight block is going to be executed sometime in the future, on some other machine. Completely isolated from the original memory space in which my_array was defined.

Since our array is immutable, the compiler can safely clone it and bundle it together with the code that runs inside the cloud function.

In the future, the compiler will be able to identify that my_array.length itself is immutable, and will only copy its value (see #1251).

If we try to reference a reassignable variable from inflight code:

let var s = "hello";

new cloud.Function(inflight (_: str) => {
// ^ Cannot capture a reassignable variable "s"

If we try to reference a mutable collection from inflight code:

bring cloud;

let my_array = MutArray<num>[1,2,3,4];

new cloud.Function(inflight (_: str) => {
assert(my_array.length == 4);
// ^^^^^^^^ Cannot reference 'my_array' of type 'MutArray<num>' from an inflight context

In this case as well, the compiler won't allow us to reference a mutable object within an inflight context, because it won't be able to guarantee correctness.

Unsupported yet, but we will also have clone() to cover you in case you want to reference a snapshot of a mutable collection (clone_mut() returns a mutable clone):

let mut_arr = MutArray<num>[1,2,3];
let arr = mut_arr.clone();

new cloud.Function(inflight () => {
assert(arr.length == 3);

See this pull request if you are curious how immutable capturing works in Wing (for the time being).

What about user-defined types?โ€‹

In the current revision of the language specification, we still haven't covered the idea of immutable user-defined types (its on our roadmap).

This means that the compiler only allows capturing primitives, Array, Map, Set, Json (coming soon) and structs (coming soon). Any other type cannot be captured directly. This means you will likely need to extract any information from the object in order to reference it within an inflight context.


There are endless ways to express ideas using code and we believe a programming language should be designed to make it intuitive for developers to write better, safer and more robust code. We use "good cognitive friction" such as let var and MutXxx to get our brain to spare another cognitive cycle on choosing some programming approach.

Making Wing "immutable by default" is designed to encourage developers to write more functional and immutable code. We continue to think of how to do it in elegant, simple, and not annoying ways, and we would love your feedback and suggestions on Wing Slack.